Thursday, April 7, 2011

You Tell Me - Why Do You Write?

Do you write because you want to make money? Do you do it for fun? Do you do it because you just can't NOT write? If you knew, beyond a shadow of a doubt, that you would never get published, would you write anyway?

For me, I do it because I just kind of have to. It's in my blood. It's always on my mind. It's just something I sort of need to do. If I knew I'd never get published, I'd write anyway. But...I don't think I'd edit nearly as much. :D I'd probably just write for the joy of doing it, to get the story down, go through it enough that friends and family could enjoy it....but I don't think I'd be sweating the small stuff nearly as much :)

How about you?


Ellen Brickley said...

I do it because it's great fun, and when it isn't fun, it's rewarding.

Also I can't decide what to do with my life so someone - or several fictional someones - get to play out all the possibilities :)

Unknown said...

MMmmmm... because I can't seem to stop, because we humans have the story telling gene within us whether it takes a verbal of written form, and because it would be great to have a little more money in old age. :0)

Lori M. Lee said...

Totally agree. I'd write anyway--I've been writing since I knew how to form a story, and I don't think I'll ever stop. But if I knew I'd never get published, I definitely wouldn't edit this much haha.

Liz said...

I write because I want to get to the end of a story, and also because it just felt wrong not to.

Liza said...

I write because it is the thing in within my life in which I am totally engaged, completely connected, and alive.

The Writer said...

That's a great question. I write because entertaining others makes me happy. I've always been an entertainer at heart and a writer by blood (literally. My great-grandmother is an author). So the two, entertaining others and writing, go hand-in-hand very well. : )

Matthew MacNish said...

I write to tell the stories that I want to read, because no one else is writing them.

Steena Holmes said...

Good question.
Even if no one else ever read what I wrote, yep, I'd still play tap dance with the keyboard. But I wouldn't sweat it. I would write what I wanted, how I wanted and declare my brillance after reading it!
But ... since I want others to read it ... sadly, my fingers do their tap dance a little slower and with more precision and thought.

Good post!

M Pax said...

I write for my own sanity and because I love it.

Jack LaBloom said...

Writing brings great joy to me. If I can write a story that puts a smile on the reader's face, then my time has been well spent.

JW_Firth said...

I write mostly for enjoyment. I write because I have an idea or two to get down. I write because I want to do it as well as I can.

Money, well. Even my textbook writing, which I get reasonable money from, is barely worth it if I calculate the time/money ratio compared to teaching, and less still from fiction. I'm under no illusions - I have known for years that even successful writers generally don't get rich.


Landra said...

I write because otherwise the mashup phrases and catchy little witty rhetoricals I think of at no particular time of use would be left gathering into a discombulated mess in my head.

Writing is theraputic and it's more rewarding when you have others to share your insanity with. Love it too much to quit and hate some much I could yank my hair out at times (sounds a lot like my hubby). Anyhoo, great question Michelle!


Shannon O'Donnell said...

I write because my kids love it that I do and because it makes me happy. :-)

Anonymous said...

Yes to all of that! I would write even if I knew I would never be published, but being published sure would be nice.