I'M DONE!!!!!!!
The non-fiction book is done. Woooohoooo!!!!!! Ahhhh, the relief! :D
I am now focused on the major edits needed for my YA Urban Fantasy. I have a little poetry project in the works, but that is something I work on here and there, by hand, when I can't get to my computer. And I might get some research going for a new YA book, but I don't think I'll actually start on that until NaNo. I want the current YA done and submitted before any new fiction projects get started :)
In the meantime, I'm going to enjoy having another book finished :D Yipppeee!!!
How is everyone else doing?
Oh, I think I forgot to mention it, but I also finished Libba Bray's Rebel Angels a couple weeks ago. I need to get some more new books read. I did take a writing break last week (being sick and all) and reread the entire Sookie Stackhouse series (Charlaine Harris) but I can't count them on my reading list as I've read them before :)
I can't wait for that day to come for me.
What a perfect time to reread the Sookie novels; they're light and funny. I love them, not for any high-falutin' reason. There just a hoot and that is good for the soul.
Congratulations on finishing the non-ficiton project. Woo-hoo!
I always wanted to write a non-fiction book but I'm a nobody and it would be on art pottery and who wants to read that, lol?
Are you excited to delve back into fiction?
Congratulations! What a great accomplishment.
Hoo-ray!!! What fun. Now you get time off for good behavior :)
Congrats! Finishing something is such a great feeling. Enjoy.
Congratulations! That's an intense and well-deserved accomplishment.
I wish you the best of luck as you start working on the YA, and I can't wait to read about more of your progress soon!
Congratulations! I get a good feeling just finishing first draft, can't wait to have a book properly "finished."
Congratulations! What a wonderful feeling closure can bring.
Those are two of the sweetest words in the English language: "I'm done!"
Congrats!! Such an awesome feeling! Yea!!
Congrats! I'm getting my NaNo together too! Can't wait for November!
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