The good news is I only have one chapter left....that's right....ONE CHAPTER LEFT!!! I am so excited. I have a few minor tweaks to make on one section of the book (shouldn't take me longer than a day or two) and probably no longer than a day to finish that last chapter. So I should (fingers crossed) be done with the book by the end of the week.
Wooooohooooooo! I am gearing up for end-of-the-book party mode :D
Then I can focus on my poor YA that needs some major editing and perhaps start on my new YA project that I finally had a nice little epiphany on the other day. I also may have an idea for a new non-fiction book (thanks Christine!) All in all, things are looking pretty good at the moment :)
How is everyone else doing? How are those projects coming along?
Also want to give a quick shout out for my brother's new company, PixelMags. The press release announcing it just went live (I wrote it, so I'm counting it as a WIP) ;-D This is an awesome new product, check it out!!!
PixelMags Press Release in Forbes
Sorry about the cold and Congrats on the last chapter. I wish I could say the same but school is starting in my neck of the woods so writing is off for this week.
I will check out PixelMags...Happy Blogging.
I hope you feel well enough to finish! I can't wait for the "book party"!
And congrats to your brother
I'm so excited for you. Well, the last chapter, not the illness.
Way to go. Only one chapter left. Party hardy. Hope you feel better soon. Congrats to your brother - the website is awesome.
Woo hoo on one more chapter! Start feeling better soon, and I'll go check out that site. :)
Glad I could help! And it sounds like you are off to a good week...me, good, but BUSY!
Congrats on being so close to the end of a project! That's always a great feeling.
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