Monday, November 15, 2010

Finding the Time

So, the weekend got away from me once again :) I was on the OA yesterday talking about how I find the time to write (which, obviously, I don't always lol) But here is an abbreviated version of that post for anyone who didn't see it. Happy Monday everyone!

1. Carry a notebook and pen, a recorder, laptop, etc so you can jot down notes if you think of something even if you don’t have time right that second to write.

2. Get chores and errands done in a timely manner – get them done first thing, then any spare moments that come along during the day are free for you to write. \

3. Treat it like a job. Sit down and do it every day no matter what, no matter how many words you manage. Just get something done every day. It is not always important WHAT you write – that is what editing is for. What is important is that you sit down and DO IT. Butt to chair, fingers to keyboard (or pen to paper). When you least feel like writing is when you need to do it the most. To aid in this:
• Make a writing schedule - choose a time when you can sit and write every day and when that time rolls around SIT AND WRITE
• Set goals - set a realistic goal every day and do everything you can to meet it

4. Prioritize your activities – use your spare moments wisely. Decide what is the most important to you and what can be sacrificed to get a few more words in.

Author Kenneth Atchity said:

Every human being has exactly the same amount of time, and yet consider the output of Robert Louis Stevenson, John Peabody Harrington, Isaac Asimov, Ray Bradbury,William Goldman, Neil Simon, Joyce Carol Oates, Agatha Christie and John Gardner. How did they accomplish what they have? They weren’t deflected from their priorities by activities of lesser importance. The work continues, even though everything else may have to give. They know that their greatest resource is themselves. Wasting time is wasting themselves. When people ask them, “Where do you find the time?” they wonder, “Where do you lose it?” 

How do you find the time to write?


Christine Fonseca said...

Dude! I find it anywhere I can...especially with my crazy schedule.

Matthew MacNish said...

This is great advice. I used to do it everyday, and I need to get back into that schedule.

Blogging is no excuse for not actually writing!

Unknown said...

Being strict with myself is the key to finding time to write!

Lydia Kang said...

I need to do the "treat it like a job" thing to take me away from my distractions!

Windy Aphayrath said...

I take the time after the family's gone to bed!

N. R. Williams said...

I agree, you must treat your writing like a job. One of the best, though at the moment, worse paying jobs I've ever had.
N. R. Williams, fantasy author

Katrina L. Lantz said...

:) Love the highlights from the longer version! This week: finish a beta read, compile notes for the author, reveal Mystery Agent (buwahaha), and finish catching up with Nano. It's going to be a fun and busy week!

P.S. That's a great ending quote. I seem to "lose" time all over the place, but it's just my lack of organization. Someday I'll get it down...

Elana Johnson said...

Good post! I've learned, though, not to beat myself up if I don't write everyday. Not during NaNo, of course, but the pressure of that is just too much. I already have about 3.5 other jobs, and writing just CAN'T feel like a job to me or I won't do it.

Instead, it's my release. And yes, I love doing it, so I make time for it. Usually from my sleeping time.

Colene Murphy said...

Awesome. Yes! It is amazing what you can accomplish in a day with a little time management(not that I actually do it...but I'm aware!)

Lindsay said...

I try and write something every day, even if I'm just doing edits. So long as I'm writing/re-writing I'm happy. I hate it when I don't, I miss it. I need the tap, tap, tap of keys.

Vicki Rocho said...

I write at night when the kids are in bed. Lately, I've had to cut back on my blog visits because what starts out as a quick check expands until it's eaten up all my writing time.

Melissa said...

I usually sacrifice my sleeping time.