Thursday, May 20, 2010

Welcome to my madness - part 2

Ready for issue #2? Here we go:

I get a little overwhelmed at the thought of all the work ahead. Sure, I get a new idea and I am all gung ho and totally excited to work on it. And then I sit down. And think about what happens after I finish draft one. And after I finish draft 100. And what happens if I can't get even that far because finishing draft 1 is so hard. And (get ready for some more capped one word sentences) it. FREAKS. ME. OUT. I freeze up, I get up, I do something else (see #1 from yesterday) :D

Solution? Awesomeness from Richard Rhodes

If you're afraid you can't write, the answer is to write. Every sentence you construct adds weight to the balance pan...If writing a book is impossible, write a chapter. If writing a chapter is impossible, write a page. If writing a page is impossible, write a paragraph. If writing a paragraph is impossible, write a sentence. If writing even a sentence is impossible, write a word and teach yourself everything there is to know about that word and then write another, connected word and see where their connection leads. A page a day is a book a year.

Anyone ever see What About Bob? (hilarious movie, btw) - Baby Steps. I just need to take baby steps when I get overwhelmed as I tend to do. I need to stop thinking about what's in front of me and focus on what is right in my face, right now. Why worry about the end of a project I haven't yet started? I need to focus on that chapter, that page, that paragraph, that word. 

The rest will come.

And speaking of doing a page a day, there is a Page a Day Challenge going on (I saw it HERE on Christine Fonseca's blog, but there are a ton of people signing up - check it out!)

Does anyone else find themselves overwhelmed by all that lies ahead of a new project? How do you handle it?


Creepy Query Girl said...

First and foremost- I tell myself 'nobody is going to see this but me'- i'm writing this story for my OWN enjoyment FIRST because I want to live it, create it, know it. For some reason this just makes writing a whole lot easier! If it turns out crap- its my crap. If i fall in love with the story and want to share- that's great too!

Michelle McLean said...

:D Yep - stay tuned tomorrow for angst along the lines of your comment :D

Stina said...

I love your kitty pictures. They say it all.

I like the concept of writing what you can, even if it's only a couple hundred words a day (or less). As long as you're writing, you're getting close to finishing the book. If you don't write on a regular basis, then you can't expect to ever finish it.

Vicki Rocho said...

That's exactly why I avoided writing for years. I didn't want to work on it.

That, and I'd have to admit (at some point) that I didn't know it all and that my writing wasn't perfect. I prefer the glorious world where I'm a Goddess and everyone worships fun being an imperfect human!

I'm doing the page-a-day. I did really well this weekend, but then it's been a page a day (and that was a struggle!). Just plodding along, but I'll get there!

L. Diane Wolfe said...

Oddly enough, I feel more overwhelmed now than I did when I began my author journey. I think it's because I have too many projects, too much going on, and I'm not sure I can devote enough time to any of it to be effective.

Anonymous said...

Certainly, one of the most important lessons I learned about writing is to pace myself. Any words on the page is progress!! :D

LUV the kitty pics too! ;)

Christine Fonseca said...

Yeah, I get overwhelmed - which you well know :D. And yep, baby steps is the only way I get through it...very baby steps sometimes! Thanks for the page-a-day shout out.

Carolyn V. said...

Sadly, I do get overwhelmed by projects. I usually sit down and make myself do something with writing until I find the will power to finish. I hope you get all your writing stuff done. *hugs* =)

Elana Johnson said...

Great quote! Certainly one I've had to go through. Sometimes a sentence is all I can do.

Jamie Grey said...

I know I'll get overwhelmed by a project if I think too much about it before I start - so I tend to jump in and write the first 10k words on the fly. I'm excited about the beginning, wanting to know how things turn out. Then I go back and figure out structure and storyline if I start slowing down. It also helps if I just pretend it's an exercise. I'm the queen of denial *grin*

Jemi Fraser said...

It's very easy to get overwhelmed (and terrorized right down to your very soul) in this business.

I try really hard not to think of the future. I try instead to only think about the next thing. Baby steps for sure.

Jan Markley said...

I'm about to start my third novel, and while I only have a two page synopsis at this point36, I know that once I start, the ideas will flow and the process will begin. trust the writing process.

Zoe C. Courtman said...

Oh my GAWD I can't even tell you how I suffer from that. Just finishing up the draft of my WIP in the next week or two (please god let me FINISH it) and I feel like I almost want to physically stumble on my feet when I contemplate the work of revisions. And the work of the short stories that come between my MS and the Revised MS. And the work of the next novel. And the revision of THAT one to come...ack. Thanks for the quote - it helps!!