Monday, May 10, 2010

And the Winner of Our Spread the Awesome Contest Is....

We briefly interrupt our Author Spotlight Week to announce the winner of my Spread the Awesome contest!

Our handy number generator at picked our winning number which belongs to....(drum roll please).......

Congrats Zoe!! I'll be sending you an email shortly to get your addy and verify the prize you'd like.

Thanks to everyone who entered and thanks for helping to Spread the Awesome!

Please scroll to the previous post to see the kick off to our Author Spotlight Week - an interview with the fabulous Cole Gibsen!


Hannah said...

Congratulations, Zoe!

Karen Lange said...

Congrats to Zoe!

Vicki Rocho said...


Lydia Kang said...

Yay Zoe! Wooooo!

Shannon O'Donnell said...

Hurray for Zoe! :-)

Honest Eve said...

What a splendid contest. May the winner enjoy her winnings.

Zoe C. Courtman said...

Oh, wow!! Dudes! I, like, never win anything!! What awesomesauce!! Thanks, Michelle :D

Carolyn V. said...

Congrats Zoe!!!! =)

Julie Musil said...

Hooray for Zoe!