Friday, April 13, 2012

Friday Funnies

(seriously, why do they do that?!)

(I probably shouldn't be laughing at this as hard as I am...especially since my dog is 
now edging away from me and eyeing me suspiciously LOL)


Matthew MacNish said...

Oh no! That poor dog.

Vicky Alvear Shecter said...

OMG--LOVE it! I shouldn't laugh either but that doggie is priceless.

Stephanie McGee said...

Bwa ha ha. That poor dog. But still so funny. The first one reminds me of that commercial where the people wanted to save money so instead of a security system they get a black jaguar then can't sleep because the cat's staring at them, licking its lips.

Patti said...

The squirrel one is funny. I can totally picture it.

Eric said...

Gotta love the squirrel. I do feel sorry for the dog though. That's just brutal (from a fashion and animal treatment perspective). I tried not to laugh, and I mostly succeeded.

Cher Green said...

As always, thanks for the laugh. Loved the cat!