Friday, March 9, 2012

Friday Funnies

First off, a HUGE thank you to the completely awesome Lisa Amowitz for redesigning my blog and creating the incredibly beautiful new banner. I'm also using the banner on my redesign-in-process website if you want to check that out (and am thinking of wallpapering my house with it because it's just that gorgeous) :D

And now....le funnies :D


Angela said...

Love the new header!

Stephanie McGee said...

That banner is gorgeous! Also, love the funnies. Haven't read a book since joining fb? More like since joining pinterest. Sigh. Have a good weekend!

Matthew MacNish said...

Your new design is awesome.

ali cross said...

ROFL! OMGosh those last two are SO funny! Thanks for the smile Michelle!

Anonymous said...

I've seen my cat do the to pooped to pee thing. I thought she was just retarded. I feel so much better! Thanks for coming over today! Love meeting new people!

B.E. Sanderson said...

Awesome new look, Michelle!

And thanks for the morning giggle. =o)

Cher Green said...

Great Banner.

Too pooped to pee, oh my. Never seen such. Thanks for the laughs.

Sage Ravenwood said...

Wicked gorgeous banner! Thanks for the Friday smiles. (Hugs)Indigo