Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Announcing the Scandalous One Day Sale!!

All of our Scandalous books are on sale TODAY ONLY (October 22) for just $0.99 each. That means you can grab all of these great stories for less than $23!!

To celebrate, our fabulous Scandalous Authors have put together a scavenger hunt with a Kindle Fire as the prize. Hop on over to the event page to join in the fun!!

Scandalous historical doesn’t mean antiquated! Passion and romance are exciting in any era. And torrid love affairs are even more illicit when social mores forbid the entanglement. These stories are bold, sexy, and heartfelt, and can be funny, action-packed, mysterious, dramatic, but above all…scandalous. Visit the Entangled Historical page or Amazon to see all the fabulous books on sale today!

If you have been wanting to read any of these books, TODAY is the day to go buy them! You really can't beat this deal! :)

Sunday, October 20, 2013

All Entangled Eve! An Entangled Halloween Blog Hop

Entangled Publishing is hosting a massive blog hop. With over 50 authors participating, this is your chance to win a ton of fantastic prizes from your favorite authors!

The hop runs from October 18th-31st. Make sure to visit all these authors’ blogs during the hop! Comment on the various posts, and/or enter for the giveaways based on the author’s instructions. Discover new-to-you authors. Discover the awesome giveaways. They’re spooky. They’re funky. You really don’t want to miss it!

Click HERE for the full list of participating authors!

For my little corner of Spookyville, I thought I'd talk a bit about what scares the pants off of me. Honestly....just about everything :D

See, I have this insanely overactive imagination. Which can be great, being a writer and all. What makes it not so great is that I can freak myself out really REALLY easily. To help avoid this, I take a few precautions.

1. I do not watch scary movies. Like, at all. This includes movies like Ghostbusters and Scary Movie, which I will watch but only during the day....and usually only if I'm not alone in the house :D I won't even watch the commercials for scary movies. My darling stepson and husband have a great time trying to trick me into watching them and get a real kick out of me screaming like a little howling monkey when I catch a glimpse. Remember that imagination I mentioned? Well, it holds onto scary images and exaggerates them, busting them out at inopportune moments for years to come. Case in point, I watched The Sixth Sense back when it first came out on VHS (for those of you who don't know what VHS is, google it ;) ). Anyhow, I STILL, to this day, have to stop myself from repeating the "I see dead people" in a creepy voice as I go up the stairs - oh, and when I shut the lights of to go upstairs at night I go up those stairs very VERY quickly and never look behind me :D

2. I do not read scary books. This rule I bend on depending on the degree of scariness. Stephen King....no. Never. Not the scary ones anyway. I read The Forest of Hands and Teeth (but seriously had nightmares for a week afterwards so that one had to be relegated to daylight only hours as well).

3. Don't laugh....but I sleep with a nightlight :D Have ever since I was 16 and had a nightmare about a shadowy figure with glowing red eyes staring at me in my bedroom. My husband does not appreciate this particular quirk....we are working on it. Right now the nightlight currently resides in the hallway so I fall asleep facing the door (never with my back to the door....yes, I'm THAT neurotic lol)

4. I only write scary scenes during the day. Whenever possible at least. Sometimes a looming deadline will force me to write a zombie chase scene in the middle of the night, but I try to avoid that when possible :D

I know I must seem completely off  my rocker, but here's the thing. I'm pretty adept at conjuring frightening images and freaking myself out and that type of stuff seems to linger in my brain for far longer than anything else. So I figure, why help things along? I can scare the living daylights out of myself just fine with no help from outside sources :)

SO! Now for the fun stuff. My giveaway for this fun little blog hop! :D Anyone want a $20 gift card? :D Fill out the form below!

Thursday, October 17, 2013

Quiet Kids and Christine Fonseca

I am thrilled to be hosting the fabulous Christine Fonseca, both here and on Operation Awesome today. I love all of Christine's books, but this one is especially of interest to me because my sweet son is an introvert (as is my husband....and as am I lol). This book not only gave me some great insights into my son but into myself and my hubs as well.

If you know (or are) an introvert, you definitely need to get this book! And now, I'll let Christine have the floor :)


I am so happy to announce the official release of my book, Quiet Kids. This book, in addition to being the book I wish I had read as a child, speaks to introversion in children, pulling on the latest research in the area and providing parents and educators strategies to help support introverted children. As most of you know, my writing career started with my books related to gifted children, and while not all gifted children are introverted, a quiet temperament does dominate that particular subgroup of children.

Quiet Kids looks at what it means to be introverted in today's noisy world. 

Here is the description of the book:

Being an introverted child is difficult, especially in an ever-increasingly noisy world. Often viewed as aloof, unmotivated or conceited, introverted children are deeply misunderstood by parents, educators and even their peers. That's where Quiet Kids: Helping Your Introverted Child Succeed in an Extroverted World comes in. Designed to provide parents with a blueprint for not only understanding the nature of introversion, Quiet Kids provides specific strategies to teach their children how to thrive in a world that may not understand them. Presented in an easy-to-read, conversational style, the book uses real-world examples and stories from introverts and parents to show parents and educators how to help children develop resiliency and enhance the positive qualities of being an introvert. With specific strategies to address academic performance, bullying, and resiliency, Quiet Kids is a must read for anyone wishing to enhance the lives of introverted children.

QK - BNPublisher's Weekly was kind enough to call the book "Extremely useful for educators and parents, this thoughtful text emphasizes the many gifts of quiet kids.”

Quiet Kids can be found in Barnes and Noble stores across the United States, as well as online at Amazon, Barnes and Noble, Walmart and other retailers world wide. 

As part of the launch of Quiet Kids, I developed a little quiz to help you know if you may have an introvert in the house:

  1. My child prefers to spend time alone or reading after school? T/F
  2. My child is generally quiet? T/F
  3. Teachers often characterize my child as shy? T/F
  4. I often worry that my child has very few friends? T/F
  5. My children struggles when things are not part of a routine or predictable? T/F
A yes answer to most of these questions may indicate that your child has an introverted temperament.

I also have a special giveaway to celebrate the launch:

a Rafflecopter giveaway

THANK YOU for the support of this important book. Be sure to check out the events page on my website to see what other fun things I have planned.