Monday, February 25, 2013

Blog Chain - Another Snafu

Good grief - I just can't seem to pull my act together, I'm tellin' ya.

Okay - it's blog chain time again and apparently, last time, I yet again posted on the wrong subject. I posted on what should be today's topic. Rather than mess things up even farther, I'm going to repost the original post so I can stay on topic :D I promise, I'll get this right next month!

This round's topic was chosen by Margie who says:

Pick a book or story and imagine it in a new genre. For example, what would Oliver Twist be like if it was a sci-fi novel. Would Fagin have been a robot? Do you prefer you new creation or the original?

I've actually done this. It's a ton of fun :D I have a novella coming out in October that is a fairy tale retelling mash-up of Rumplestiltskin and Pinocchio (with zombies) :D It was so much fun writing! And I have a new series in the works doing the same type of thing (but I'm not going to say much on that as it's still in the "shiney precious lovey" stage) :D

It brings to mind one of my current fave shows Once Upon a Time. They do an awesome job of taking fairy tales and reworking them. Another great movie that does this is 10th Kingdom.

I'm a total fairy tale nut so I love reworked fairy tales, and it really is fun to see other classics given new or modern twists.

Do you have any favorite retellings, movies/shows/books?

Stop by Demitria's blog to get her take on the topic and be sure to check out what Alyson had to say :)


Robin said...

I love Once Upon a Time. Retelling are a fav. of mine. Unfortunately I'm better at reading than writing them-lol

Karen Baldwin said...

West Side Story (Romeo & Juliet)

Anonymous said...

I can't wait to read your mash up. Sounds great!

Anonymous said...

I can't wait to read your mashup. Sounds great!