Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Revision Help is on the Way!!!

Finishing up this manuscript (that was due last week *ahem*) so this will be short and sweet. Just wanted to remind everyone that Operation Awesome's New Years Revisions Conference is coming up in just a few short weeks!!!

Here is the original post if you missed it.

So if you have brand new NaNo books waiting to be edited (and even if you don't) you definitely don't want to miss this!!

Also, Entangled's Scandalous line launched yesterday!!! As this is my imprint, I am just ridiculously giddy to see it finally out there :)

The first two books released are Robyn DeHar'ts A Little Bit Wicked and Catherine Hemmerling's Taming Her Forbidden Earl. Check them out!!! My Treasured Lies will be releasing next month so stay tuned for some fun celebrations!!